Is Kratom Addictive?

Kratom is a plant native to Southeast Asia with mind-altering properties. Depending on the dosage, these properties can be either stimulating or relaxing, but either way, it acts on opioid receptors in the brain to produce these sensations. As a result, Kratom has addictive potential, and poses a risk to those who use it.

Kratom’s Properties

In doses less than 5 grams, the plant can have stimulant effects, similar to coffee or ADHD medication, that some people report as being beneficial to working long days, or combatting drowsiness from poor sleep. At higher doses, usually exceeding 10 grams, Kratom has opioid-like effects. Because of these mind-altering properties, which can induce euphoria or even heroin-like highs, Kratom can be addictive.

Kratom Addiction

Kratom’s two primary psychoactive alkaloids, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, have a strong affinity for the brain’s primary opioid receptor, the ‘mu’ receptor, which is also strongly stimulated by narcotics like heroin and prescription opioids like oxycodone. In fact, studies show that 7-hydroxymitragynine, in terms of binding affinity for opioid receptors in the brain, can be up to 13 times as potent as morphine. Studies on mice show that regular consumption of mitragynine, which accounts for 66% of Kratom’s alkaloid volume by mass, results in addiction and once stopped, acute opioid withdrawal. Case studies on patients entering hospitals or rehabilitation facilities experiencing withdrawals show that such addictive tendencies occur frequently in human users as well. As a result of this activity, Kratom poses a serious addictive risk and can be habit-forming.

Kratom is addictive, and poses a risk to your mental and physical well-being at any dose. Click here for resources on how to identify Kratom addiction, or here for resources on how to quit. Remember, help is always available.


Kratom Addiction Treatment


Is Kratom Legal?