How To Quit Kratom

Kratom is a plant native to Southeast Asia with relaxant and stimulant properties that is gaining traction across the U.S. as both a replacement for coffee, and other stimulants, and as a pain relieving agent. Kratom, however, can also be addictive. Explore below for some tips on how you can quit Kratom for good.

Acknowledging the Problem

The first, and most important, step to recovery, is acknowledging that your Kratom use may be problematic, and negatively affecting both your health and your lifestyle. If you’ve noticed that your Kratom use has increased in amount or in frequency over time, now might be a time to stop and consider whether you may be addicted. Other signs that your Kratom use could be problematic are using it to function normally, avoiding social commitments to take Kratom, or experiencing withdrawals after a period of not using. Admitting that your Kratom use is problematic can be hard! But remember, help is always available.

Planning for Success

Once you’ve admitted that your Kratom use may be harmful, it’s time to develop a solid plan to succeed in recovery! Here are some tips that can help you stay on track:

  • Educate yourself: One helpful tool to remain on track to recovery is reading up on Kratom withdrawal! Because the plant has opioid-like properties, heavier users often report experiencing mild-to-severe withdrawal after stopping use. Reading more about what this process is like can help you better understand what to expect, and could help prevent you from relapsing in order to stop the symptoms.

  • Involve your loved ones, or close friends: Building a strong support group is paramount to maintaining sobriety. Telling people about your Kratom use and your plan to stop using is important, as they can help keep you in check! In fact, involving loved ones can significantly improve long-lasting recovery outcomes.

  • Identify and avoid relapse triggers: Another important step on the path to recovery is avoiding common triggers. This can manifest in a number of ways, like removing Kratom products and paraphernalia from your home, avoiding people you used to use Kratom with, and being proactive in identifying emotional or physical situations – like moments of anger, sadness, or pain – that used to influence you to use Kratom.

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Finally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes drinking enough water, eating healthy, and exercising regularly, is beneficial to maintaining long-term recovery. Nourishing your body and staying active can release endorphins and other neurotransmitters that can reduce cravings and stress, and also elevate your mood and sleep quality.

Cold Turkey, or Professional Help?

You should also consider how you plan to stop using Kratom. Generally, there are three different strategies: the first is cold turkey, the second is gradual weaning, and the third is seeking professional help.

  • Cold turkey: Trying to quit Kratom use by stopping suddenly is only advisable for lighter users who ingest Kratom less than once a day.  All withdrawal strategies should be discussed with a medical professional.

  • Gradual Weaning: It may be better for you to gradually reduce your intake over a period of time to help with withdrawal symptoms and to give you the best chance of success. This method should be tailored to your specific needs with a medical professional.

  • Professional help: For heavier users, Kratom withdrawals can be difficult to manage, or even dangerous, if endured alone.  Kratom acts on the same receptors as opiates like heroin which can induce severe withdrawal symptoms.  Some heavier users reported symptoms of depression, nausea, vomiting and even seizures and hallucinations.  Please consult a medical professional for a withdrawal plan.  There are many addiction treatment facilities that can help with an inpatient detox.  It is important to note that after detox, clinical work is a must to help with relapse prevention and life skills.

It’s always recommended to seek professional help when trying to stop using. Addiction treatment can help you develop the tools you need to stop using Kratom for good, regardless of use habits.

Maintaining Sobriety

There are many resources out there that can help you maintain long-term sobriety!

  • Support groups: Developing a network of fellow individuals in recovery can be extremely helpful to recovery. Sharing experiences, connecting with others, and creating a community of like-minded individuals is important to staying sober from Kratom.

  • Recovery coaching: Recovery coaches are individuals who are also in recovery. They can help hold you accountable with regular check-ins, walk you through developing healthy coping mechanisms, and motivate you to stay on track!

  • Celebrating milestones: Celebrating important recovery anniversaries is another way to encourage yourself to remain sober. They are an opportunity to celebrate your incredible sobriety achievements.


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