About Kratom
How Kratom Use Can Ruin Relationships
Kratom addiction is very real and has the power to destroy relationships. However, kratom addiction help is available to overcome kratom misuse and abuse.
How Do I Explain My Kratom Use to My Doctor?
Does your doctor know you use Kratom? As the plant becomes more popular in the U.S., the question of how best to inform your primary care provider about your Kratom use remains. Keep reading to find out how to talk to your doctor about Kratom.
Kratom in the Workplace
Is Kratom use allowed in your workplace? While Kratom becomes more popular in the U.S., uncertainty remains about whether you can or cannot use the plant at work. Keep reading to find out more about the risks of using Kratom at work.
Can Kratom Cause Liver Damage?
Despite claiming to have many health benefits, your Kratom use could be putting your liver at greater risk. Keep reading to find out how Kratom impacts the liver, and what you can do to avoid this damage.
Kratom and the Opioid Epidemic
As a record number of Americans battle opioid addiction, many seek a safe, harm-free alternative to illegal drugs. While Kratom can help with opioid withdrawal symptoms, it doesn't come without major risks. Keep reading to explore why some have turned to Kratom, and how it could harm your health.
Kratom and Relapse Risk
While many Americans have turned to Kratom to alleviate opioid withdrawal symptoms and pain, many fail to consider that the addictive plant may be making things worse, since it also acts on opioid receptors in the brain. Keep reading to find out how Kratom could be putting you at greater risk of relapsing.
Kratom and Teen Use
Teen Kratom use is on the rise in the U.S. as the plant becomes more popular in stores nationwide. The addictive, opioid-like plant can have major consequences on brain development, and comes with many negative side effects. Keep reading to explore how your teen’s Kratom use could be harming their health.
Kratom and Mental Health
While Americans are turning to Kratom to treat pain and reduce opioid withdrawal symptoms, many fail to consider the mental health implications of using this addictive plant. Keep reading to find out how your Kratom use could be harming your mental health.
What Does it Feel Like to Detox From Kratom?
You’ve decided to quit Kratom use for good. Congrats! The first, and most important, step to doing so is doing through detox, which can be difficult. Keep reading to explore the effects and process of Kratom detox.
Is My Teen Using Kratom?
As Kratom use rises in the U.S., so does use amongst teens. Learning how to spot Kratom, develop a plan for supporting your teen’s recovery, and to identify its harmful effects are important steps for any parent. Keep reading for tips on how to do so.
Am I Addicted to Kratom?
Kratom is an addictive substance with opioid-like properties at higher doses. Learning how to identify the signs of addiction and dependence can be an important and life-saving step. Keep reading to better understand what Kratom addiction looks like.
How is Kratom Used?
Kratom leaves can be brewed, pulverized into powder, or extracted into an oil. Moreover, the plant can come in a variety of different strains. Keep reading to make sense of how Kratom is consumed, and the different strains that exist on the market.
Why Is Kratom Controversial?
Despite Kratom’s surging popularity in the U.S., the plant is drawing increasing concern and speculation over its purported effects. With addictive potential, lack of regulation, and minimal scientific research, Kratom presents a danger to anyone who uses it. Keep reading to explore how, and why, Kratom is so controversial.
What Does Kratom Do to the Body?
Kratom can have different effects in different dosages, because the plant has opioid-like effects. Keep reading to explore these effects, and to learn how they can have long-lasting impacts on the body.
Kratom Addiction Treatment
Kratom is an addictive, opioid-like substance. Long-term users often experience withdrawals and cravings, and require specialized treatment. Keep reading to explore what a Kratom addiction treatment model could look like.