Kratom and Teen Use

Recently, a new plant supplement from Southeast Asia has taken American markets by storm, and it’s called Kratom. Especially concerning its growing use amongst American teens, who report using the plant for a variety of reasons. Kratom is a psychoactive plant that, depending on the dose, can have stimulant or opioid-like effects. Regardless of how it can make you feel, Kratom Is addictive. How – and why – are American teens turning to Kratom?

Teen Use – Overview:

One thing is clear: Kratom use is on the rise in the U.S. Many attribute this uptick to a similar rise in teen marijuana and cigarette use. In 2020, just over 1% of American adolescents (ages less than 18) used Kratom, which amounts to more than 100,000 individuals.

How are teens getting Kratom?

Unfortunately, Kratom is easy to access, because it’s unregulated and sold in many different kinds of stores nationwide. Teens can purchase Kratom online, but can also get it from brick-and-mortar stores – especially gas stations, vape shops, and specialty tea and coffee cafés. Teens are surrounded by Kratom and constantly exposed to the substance, and can easily be attracted to its stimulant and addictive opioid-like properties.

In many states, Kratom is completely unregulated. This means that, despite its addictive potential, anyone of any age can buy Kratom, with or without a valid ID, in places like New York or South Carolina. Some states have implemented Kratom restrictions, like purchase age limits, but for the most part these are ineffective at curbing use.

Social media is another outlet that teens employ to source Kratom. Many unregulated Kratom vendors selling products that are inaccurately marketed operate online, and can easily reach younger demographics on platforms like TikTok or Instagram.


How are teens using Kratom?

For the most part, teen Kratom use is tied to cigarette or marijuana smoking. They’re more likely to add Kratom into a rolled joint or cigarette, or use marijuana and/or nicotine vapes containing Kratom extracts or oils. Otherwise, many teens use products purchased at Kratom-selling locations, such as edibles, powders or capsules, teas, and extracts.

Why are teens using Kratom?

Teens have begun turning to Kratom for a multitude of reasons. Since Kratom is unregulated and has mild psychoactive properties, many young people turn to the plant for an easy, legal way to experience a mild high. Kratom’s ubiquitous presence in many gas stations, smoke shops, and e-retailers makes it an appealing way for teens to access a ‘legal high.’

Additionally, some teens have turned to Kratom for its stimulant property, ingesting the plant for to help with focus and studying, or to pull all-nighters. Teens also report taking Kratom to help mitigate the effects of certain mood disorders, like depression and anxiety. Note: these uses of Kratom are not scientifically nor clinically proven.

Some Kratom products sold in these kinds of venues are also mislabeled or marketed deceptively, with many being advertised as dietary supplements or weight-loss aids. These gimmicks also increase exposure to vulnerable teens, and puts them at risk of unknowingly using the addictive plant for other uses.

How is Kratom dangerous?

Kratom is dangerous to any user, but teens are especially susceptible. The teen brain is still in development, and use of the psychoactive alkaloids in Kratom (mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynine) can alter brain chemistry, behavior, and delay or impact brain development irreversibly.

Kratom also has many negative side effects, and can be life-threatening when used in combination with other substances or prescription medications. The plant is also addictive, and poses a significant risk for dependence or Kratom Use disorder.

Kratom is addictive, and it is dangerous. No amount of Kratom is safe. If you or a loved one suffers from Kratom abuse, help is always available.


Kratom and Relapse Risk


Kratom and Mental Health