What Does Kratom Do to the Body?

Using Kratom can have many different effects on the body, and can vary by dose and frequency of use. Explore below to uncover some of the negative effects its use can have on your physical and mental well-being:

What does using Kratom feel like?

Kratom contains alkaloid compounds that act on the opioid receptors in the brain, producing psychoactive effects like stimulation and relaxation. These effects vary by the dosage, and usually begin within 15 minutes of use in any form:

  • Up to 5 grams: in smaller doses in this range, Kratom has stimulant effects, similar to those of coffee because the two plants are in the same family. Users report alertness, greater physical energy, and in some cases, elevated mood and increased talkativeness.

  • 5 – 15 grams: in more moderate dosages, Kratom exhibits opioid-like properties, allowing for temporary relief from pain and symptoms of opioid withdrawals. In addition to analgesic effects, users also report euphoria at these doses, but in a more subdued form than that provoked by takin opioids.

  • Greater than 15 grams: dosages greater than 15 grams are considered dangerous, and can produce life-threatening effects, especially in naïve, or inexperienced, Kratom users. Side effects more accurately mimic those of an opioid high, with users experiencing stupor, nausea, sweating, dissociation, and in more extreme cases, respiratory depression and seizures.

What are the effects of long-term use?

Physical Effects:

In longer-term users, Kratom can display negative physical side effects that include:

  • Increased blood pressure and pulse rate

  • Electrolyte imbalance and kidney damage or dysfunction

  • Liver toxicity, especially in combination with ketamine and buprenorphine

  • Weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal injury

  • Fatigue and insomnia

  • Dry mouth and chronic constipation

Mental Effects:

Similarly, long-term Kratom use can manifest mentally, causing psychiatric conditions like:

  • Addiction and dependence

  • Psychological distress, and in extreme cases psychosis

  • Irritation, increased general apathy, and lack of motivation

  • Anger, nervousness, and feelings of restlessness

  • Hallucinations

An overview of common Kratom withdrawal symptoms:

Severe Complications:

Kratom can also present more severe health complications, especially when used for long periods of time, or in large quantities. If you, or a loved one, is experiencing these complications, seek medical care. These can include:

  • Abstinence syndrome – babies born to mothers who use Kratom can experience abstinence syndrome, or addiction to Kratom, at delivery and for a period afterwards.

  • Polyintoxication – Kratom substantially increases the risk of overdose and death when used in combination with other substances, particularly ketamine and buprenorphine due to liver toxicity.

  • Withdrawals – Kratom has addictive potential, and acts on opioid receptors. Periods of non-use, particularly in heavy users, can lead to withdrawal symptoms that range in severity and mimic those of opioids.


Why Is Kratom Controversial?


Kratom Addiction Treatment