Am I Addicted to Kratom?

Kratom is a plant native to Southeast Asia that, when ingested, can have energizing and relaxing effects. In high doses, it can have effects similar to opioids. It acts on certain opioid receptors in the brain, which means that in any quantity, Kratom can be addictive. If you’re curious about your Kratom use and the potential risk of addiction you may face, ask yourself some of the questions below!

Why do you use Kratom?

Traditionally, people used Kratom as a mild pain reliever, since the plant possesses some analgesic properties. Now, it’s more often used as a relaxant or as a stimulant, depending on the dose. Reflecting on why you use Kratom can help you distinguish between occasional use and addiction:

  • Are you treating pain or discomfort? While Kratom can help relieve pain, it’s important to remember that the plant has addictive properties. Try sticking to safer over-the-counter alternatives, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to treat your pain. For more severe pain, seek medical care.

  • Are you seeking an energy boost or mood elevator? Although Kratom can improve energy and mood, taking the plant for this reason places you at a greater risk of developing an unhealthy pattern of use and abuse. Instead, look to breath work, caffeine, or exercise for a rewarding and safe pick-me-up! If you feel like you need Kratom to feel happy or functional, consider speaking to a healthcare professional.

  • Are you looking to relax, or improve your sleep? Nothing feels better after a long day! Try avoiding using Kratom for this reason, though, because it can lead to dependence or addiction. To relax or improve sleep quality, try reading and meditation, or consider OTC alternatives like melatonin.

  • Are you trying to lose weight? While some products claim that Kratom has appetite-suppressing effects, this is not proven. Consider safer alternatives, like a new exercise regiment or a varied diet. Using substances to lose weight can be dangerous, and lead to eating disorders.

  • Are you trying to workout more? Although Kratom may help boost energy levels, it’s safer and healthier to turn to other options, like proper nutrition and hydration, to get energized for a workout.

  • Are you using Kratom because you feel you have to, or can’t help it? This may be a sign that you’ve become addicted to Kratom. If you find you can’t control your Kratom use, or are concerned about your habits, help is always available.

    Remember – Kratom is addictive, and poses risks to your health and well-being. No use is safe use, so avoid using Kratom whenever possible, and seek healthier, risk-free alternatives.

How often do you use Kratom?

One of the most common signs of addiction or dependence to a certain substance is frequent use. Ask yourself how often you use Kratom, and explore the below answers:

  • Multiple times per dayUsing Kratom many times a day is a very strong indicator of addiction, and is a sign that your body may be dependent on Kratom to function regularly or to feel normal. If you feel like you need Kratom to function, it’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare professional.

  • Daily Using Kratom daily is also a strong indicator of addiction. If you’re having a hard time not using Kratom for a day, consider speaking to an addiction specialist to seek help.

  • A few times a week – Using Kratom multiple times a week puts you at serious risk of developing an addiction to the substance. If your use has increased, or begins to increase further, consider trying to quit.

  • Less than once a week – While using less than once a week is less risky, remember that Kratom is an addictive substance. If your use increases, consider trying to quit.

Has your Kratom use increased over time?

After time and continual usage, our bodies require more Kratom to achieve the same effects. This is a hallmark sign of dependence, and of addiction. If some of the following criteria apply to you, consider seeking treatment:

  • To feel the same effects, do you need more Kratom now than when you started? Part of dependence and addiction is increased use, because the receptors in the brain become desensitized over time, which is called tolerance. If you find yourself taking larger amounts of Kratom at a time, you should consider seeking professional help. Increasing tolerance is a sign of addiction.

  • Do you find yourself needing Kratom more often during the day or week? If your use has increased from weekly to daily, or once daily to multiple times per day, consider trying to quit or seeking professional help. More frequent use is a sign of addiction.

Does Kratom interfere with your daily life?

If you’ve ever found yourself prioritizing using Kratom over other things in your life, like your routine or your friends, you should seek professional help. Addiction can be overwhelming and consuming, and neglecting your responsibilities is a sign that you’ve become dependent on Kratom. Maintaining your normal routine – whether that be running to the grocery store every Friday, or seeing your friends after work – is as important for your mental health as it is for your physical health.

Additionally, if you’ve found that you’re spending more time and/or money to get a fix of Kratom, you should seek professional help. Addiction can take over your life, and cause you to develop unhealthy and dangerous habits, like overspending or placing yourself in dangerous situations.

Have you tried to stop using Kratom before? If so, how did it feel?

Quitting an addictive substance like Kratom can take multiple tries. Often, periods of non-use can cause unpleasant feelings. Have you experienced any of the following symptoms before?

  • A strong urge, or craving, to use Kratom: cravings for Kratom are the clearest sign that you may be addicted, or dependent, to using the plant.

  • Emotional Distress: symptoms like anxiety, irritability, restlessness, and difficulty sleeping are common in people experiencing withdrawals from Kratom use.

  • Physical Discomfort: people in Kratom withdrawals often report experiencing muscle aches and pains, sweating, involuntary jerky movements, tremors, and a runny nose.

  • Severe Illness: certain conditions, like nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and seizures, are more severe complications of Kratom withdrawal. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, seek medical care immediately.

If you have experienced these symptoms after stopping or between Kratom use, you should seek professional help. These are signs of withdrawal, which should not be endured alone.

Kratom has strong addictive potential. If you’re concerned about your Kratom use, remember that you are not alone. Help is always available, and recovery is possible with the right resources.


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