Is My Teen Using Kratom?

You’ve found Kratom in your teen’s room.

I Found Kratom in My Teen's Room. What Should I Do?

Finding Kratom in your teen's room can be a scary discovery. This plant-based substance has become increasingly popular, but it's important to understand the risks, especially for young people. Let's break down what you need to know about Kratom use in teens and how to navigate this situation.

What is Kratom and Why Might Teens Use It?

Kratom comes from the leaves of a Southeast Asian tree. It can be used in various forms, like capsules, powder, or tea. Teens might be drawn to Kratom for several reasons:

  • Energy Boost: At low doses, Kratom can act as a stimulant, appealing to teens seeking extra focus for studying or activities.

  • Relaxation and Pain Relief: Higher doses can produce opioid-like effects, leading some teens to use it for anxiety, stress, or pain management.

  • Misinformation and Easy Access: Kratom is often marketed as a natural remedy, and its legal status in most places makes it readily available online or in some convenience stores.

The Problem with Kratom for Teens

While Kratom may seem harmless, teens' brains are still under development. Regular Kratom use can disrupt this process, potentially leading to:

  • Addiction: Kratom can be highly addictive, and teens are more susceptible to forming dependence.

  • Cognitive Issues: Kratom use can impair memory, learning, and decision-making skills.

  • Mental Health Concerns: There's a link between Kratom use and increased anxiety, depression, and psychosis in teens.

  • Physical Problems: Kratom can cause nausea, vomiting, constipation, seizures, and liver damage.

If You Found Kratom:

  1. Stay Calm: Don't panic or jump to conclusions. Open communication is key.

  2. Start a Conversation: Choose a calm moment to talk to your teen. Express your concern and ask open-ended questions about why they might be using Kratom.

  3. Educate Yourself and Your Teen: There's a lot of misinformation about Kratom. Research reputable sources like the National Institute on Drug Abuse ( together.

  4. Seek Help Together: If your teen admits to using Kratom, explore treatment options. Consider visiting your doctor or a therapist specializing in adolescent addiction. Support groups can also be invaluable.

Resources for Teens:

  • The National Teen Hotline: 1-800-621-TEEN (8336) – Offers confidential support and resources for teens struggling with substance use.

  • The Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386 – Specific support for LGBTQ+ teens, a group with higher substance use rates.

  • The Truth About Drugs: – Provides science-based information about Kratom and other drugs.

Remember, you're not alone. Many teens experiment with substances, and there's help available. By opening communication, seeking professional support, and providing accurate information, you can guide your teen towards healthier choices.


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